
Transition Risk Model

This Paper by Baer et al (2022) is the core foundation of our Transition Risk model.

This Paper is the core foundation of our Physical Risk model.

This Paper is the core foundation of our Litigation Risk model.

Sample Outputs

Please use the links below to access our open source model code on github.

This excel highlights the results that are produced by the Transition Risk model

Physical Risk Model

Litigation Risk Model

Use the link below to access our Physical Risk RShiny Application.

This excel highlights the results that are produced by the Litigation Risk model.

Model Code

Supervisory briefings

Find below our supervisory briefings on key issues related to implementing climate and long-term risk management.

TRISK in Practice

The Cost for the Financial Sector if Firms Delay Climate Action 

A Burden They Will Carry

The Potential Economic & Financial Cost of Climate Liabilities to Companies and Investors

 Still or sparkling?

Approaches to changing portfolio compositions in long-term stress-tests and scenario analyses

This is the way…or is it?

The impact of climate scenario choice on stress-test outcomes across 5 climate scenarios

1in1000: Financial Supervision Beyond the Business Cycle

Towards a new paradigm

1in1000 Concept Note

Integrating future risks & challenges into investment metrics, processes, and financial regulation

Supervisory Toolbox

Methodology Documents

Other Supporting Material

Video Material and Guidance